
Russia: Pokemon Go Blogger Convicted

(Moscow) On May 11, 2017, a Russian court convicted a 22-year-old blogger on criminal expenses of incitement of hatred and insulting the nonsecular feelings of believers, Human Rights Watch said today. The court suspended the blogger, Ruslan Sokolovsky, a 3-and-amonth’s month sentence. Sokolovsky published a YouTube prank video where he performed Pokemon Go in a church. The government must take steps to have the conviction vacated or set apart and forestall prosecuting individuals for the nonviolent workout of their right to unfastened speech.

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“It’s an “It’siation that Sokolovsky is not behind bars. However, the reality that he turned into prosecuted and convicted remains a high instance of the Russian authorities using indistinct and broad anti-extremist laws to stifle loose speech and sell self-censorship,” said Yulia Gorb”  Nova, Russia researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Sokolovsky’s movie “Sokolovsky has been indignant to some, or indeed many. However, they present no public chance, and crook sanctions opposing him are groundless incursions on the right to lose expression.”

The costs again”t Sokolovsky stem from the August 11, 2016, prank video Sokolovsky uploaded to his YouTube channel. In the video, Sokolovsky is visible playing Pokemon Go, the popular region-primarily based reality sport, on his cellphone in the Russian Orthodox Church of All Saints in Yekaterinburg. At the quiet of the video, Sokolovsky says: “I regret now not”catching the rarest of Pokemon: Jesus. They say he does no longer exist.” The video became” widely shared online and said inside the media, together with pro-Kremlin Russia 24, which said that the video insulted the emotions of religious believers and known Sokolovsky as “mentally unwell.”

Also, “n August, Sokolo”  Sky published every other video mocking Russian Orthodox recommendations about marriage and family. Citing the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo as his private suggestion, Sokolovsky wrote numerous satirical or vital blog posts about the Orthodox Church. In September, the government searched Sokolovsky’s condominium. Sokolovsky’s him on costs of incitement to hatred and insult to the religious feelings of believers, crook offenses below articles 282 and 148 of Russia’s criminal code. In Russia in 2017, the government initiated a new criminal investigation towards Sokolovsky on charges of “trafficking in special t”technical gadgets [designed] for the surreptitious obtainment of records” under Article 138 of th” Crook Code for having a pen with a video camera which police officers seized from his condominium during the hunt. He changed after being discovered guilty of all offenses at trial.


Following his arrest, a courtroom ordered Sokolovsky held in pretrial custody; first of all, for two months, he was launched to house arrest following an enchantment; he was returned to custody on October 28, 2016, after the court located that he had violated his bail terms. On May 11, the court ordered him to eliminate nine films from the YouTube channel and banned him from attending mass gatherings for the three-and-a-1/2 years of his suspended sentence. Sokolovsky is then launched on his recognizance. Sokolovsky’s legal professSokolovsky’sy Bushmakov, spoke after the decision and stated that the case against Sokolovsky turned into meant to “frighten and intimidate” “loggers and different “internet users in Russia and save them from speaking freely online.

The “insult” offense, one of the crimes” of which Sokolovsky was convicted, was delivered to Russia’s crook code. In 201Russia’safter numerous individuals of the feminist protest punk institution Pussy Riot were convicted of criwereoliganism” in retaliation “n for their”anti-Putin overall performance in a Moscow cathedral. Parliament adopted a law amending article 148 of the criminal code to criminalize “a public movement express”ng clear disrespect for society and dedicated to insulting the nonsecular emotions of be nonsecular law affords no definite”ion of “nonsecular emotions” and s”nonsecularhold for “offending” them, permitting”prosecutor”s and courts exquisite discretion to goal vital speech. Sanctions encompass fines and as much as a one-year jail sentence.

Human Rights Watch stated that between 2012 and 2016, the Russian authorities received tighter manipulation over freedom of expression via a raft of disturbingly regressive laws. The regulations provide the references with equipment to restrict access to information, carry out unchecked surveillance, and sensor data that the authorities deem “extremist,” “separatist,” or” otherwise”” legal and d”dangerous to the public. In recent years, those sentenced to or dealing with jail phrases or hefty fines for “extremist sports” have incr”increasingly more pro” acted bloggers, journalists, political opposition activists, ethnic minority activists, and other government critics, in addition to those who mock the Russian Orthodox Church. “Criminal prosecution of blo”gers and others for peacefully expressing their perspectives shrinks the already constrained space for public debate,” Gorbunova stated. “Sokolov” ky’s conviction ove”Sokolovsky’s a highlight on the downward spiral of freedom of expression in Russia.”

Bloggers: As the Spirit Mo” es You

My spouse and I belong to a Liberal, Progressive Reform Jewish Congregation in vital New Jersey – Congregation Kol Am of Freehold. Our prayer books (siddurim) were authored by our outstanding and discovered Rabbi Brooks Susman. In inappropriate weather, our Friday night services (Shabbat) are held outside most of the multi-hued and candy-smelling vegetation of a lush Garden of Eden. The extraordinary fragrances of the spring and summer seasons are frequently followed by the choir’s angelic voices and the choir’s guitar instrumental, which add to the heavenly environment of our setting.

Our bucolic and sensorial worship experience is more desirable when using the poetic phraseology of inspiring and melodious stanzas and prayers written and recited through Rabbi Susman (see one such example, blanketed right here) at some stage in services. Oh, how stunning it is while the heart is advocated to sing soulful music. Within the pages of our prayer books are many passages that call for congregant participation. Everyone is encouraged to actively participate in our services and emerge as an unmarried voice united in reverence for God. Many italicized stanzas are certain to be read aloud by people. These religious and secular phrases comply with those spoken by Rabbi Susman in a call-and-response way.

Passion Resides in All of Us: Let it Out.

“Within the triangle of coro, “ary heart, soul, and thoughts are discovered a properly tended, often walked in, lawn of affection. An area for memory stands before a bench on which we sit, lost in reverie for those we cherished. Though a few pieces of vegetation may be dead, the scent of their being lingers, joining with the aromas of these plants blooming nevertheless. They left their mark long after they left our presence. And we, tenders of that garden, deliver thanks for all that was and that we held treasured. We record that simply as who seasons bypass, so cherished ones are born and then die. We, the residing, inhabit the oasis between those certainties of delivery and death. We reminisce, and as did the gardeners earlier than us, we present at the location where the plants we cherished once bloomed and smile tenderly at their remembered splendor.

The Rabbi requests participation “because of the spiritual ac” ions you.” Congregants reply under “ir personal free will; frequently moved via a few personal references to phrases and meanings. It is an incendiary flame that ignites a passion inside people to examine those words aloud with genuine conviction. It is like that when expressions inspire us. Is it no longer? Those we refer to because the “Masters” are respected for “heir ma”terpiece works, which have persisted at some stage. They probably produced their most extraordinary contributions to the arts and sciences as the spirits moved them.

Motivated by his passion, Michelangelo spent four years developing his image of heaven above the altar of the Sistine Chapel. He did so with the utmost admiration for artwork and Christianity, a particular interest in the element, and near perfection. Michelangelo’s every eveMichelangelo’s changed into guided via his loving hand – seemingly – beneath the watchful eye of the God he so needed to please. He painted heaven on plaster and moved humans to accept it as accurate, with it becoming God’s “sky” on the eve of God” It” took Beach Boy Brian Wilson forty uncompromising and passion-crammed years to – finally – entire and launch his “unfinished album,” higher k”own to most as SM” LE. In 2004, the critics acclaimed it as his long-awaited masterpiece – the watermark of his brilliant career. We applaud Wilson’s ability to overcome Wilson’s private demons – moved via spirit – to create this exquisite music for his many fanatics to experience.

Rabbi Susman’s personal requirements have been equally uncompromising, as he magnificently words and touches each stanza of his inspirational prayer book. The completed product serves as inspirational paintings designed to transport the spirit and praises God, celebrating his mastery in growing the universe and populating the earth with a diversity of existence bureaucracy. We are humbled and moved by every written phrase and stanza of this prayer ebook. We are inspired by the Rabbi’s passionate Rabbi’s and the Torah excerpts and Talmudic verses he selected to consist of in praise of God. Rabbi Brooks Susman’s work may also be an undiscovered masterpiece within the mainstream. However, it has already mentioned the number of the Kol Am small and growing congregation.

Elizabeth R. Cournoyer

Web enthusiast. Internet fanatic. Music geek. Gamer. Reader. Hipster-friendly coffee practitioner. Spent 2001-2007 merchandising human hair in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Spent 2001-2007 short selling tinker toys in Fort Walton Beach, FL. Spent 2001-2007 importing acne in Phoenix, AZ. Spent several months importing methane in Mexico. Spent the better part of the 90's creating marketing channels for wooden horses in Bethesda, MD. Lead a team implementing toy monkeys in Deltona, FL.

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